Rothschild's Secret "Solution" to Greek "Problem": A friend of mine who is a now a disilusioned high ranking member of the Jewish Freemasonry in Budapest has told me what is coming regarding the Greek crisis
Παρακαλούμε θερμά το παρακάτω άρθρο να διαβαστεί και να ληφθεί σοβαρά υπ΄ όψιν απ' όλες τις Ελληνικές Αρχές: >>>"A friend of mine who is a now a disilusioned high ranking member of the Jewish Freemasonry in Budapest has told me what is coming regarding the Greek crisis. Greece was chosen to play the role of the European Union bankrupt member state in order to "create" the big problem to which the European Union is going to "find" the "solution" soon. Greece was chosen because it symbolizes Europe (nobody in Europe cares about countries like Hungary or Estonia) and because its economy was relatively easy to devastate after it renounced its own currency. The European "elites" are using Greece to persuade the sheeple that if the Greek problem is not fixed, Southern Europe will go bankrupt which will trigger the collapse of the whole European financial system and thus the bankruptcy of the whole European economy.
The "problem" is that the so-called Eurozone (where the euro currency replaced the national currencies) is doomed to collapse since the Southern European states (as well as the Eastern ones) cannot sustain their economy if they are no longer in position to devalue their own currency in order to boost export and tourism (they are now sucked to the euro currency.)
That's where corrupt globalist politicians played their role in weakening their own economy by every means but the current "global recession" triggered by the international Khazar bankers was the main part of the plan to bring the Southern and Eastern European economies to a breaking point as well as to weaken the US economy and collapse the Chinese, Indian and Russian economies.
The "only solution" soon to be proposed soon by the EU is to suppress the national fiscal and budgetary policies in Europe and have a centralized European budget. All European states will have to send most of their tax money to a central European government and the national budgets will be established by this central government, too.
It is going to be a bit more complicated but it will mean that the European national governments will cease to exist. In parallel, the European Union is already announcing the "necessary" creation of a big European Army to match the predominant military power of the US in the NATO.
As you already know, the international bankers are indeed mainly European bankers (Rothschild and co.) and these are the real brains behind the man-made global recession (just as they are behind the "global warming" scam.)
Thus the European "elites" are now on the way to becoming more powerful than the traditional US "elites". All they need is to make the European Union a real superstate (centralized taxation and budgetary policy) with a real super army (the coming European Army.) Then, the US "elites" will be forced to merge the US into the EU and not the opposite as they would like.
The resulting "UNION" (this is the projected label) would be an empire ruled by the money powers whose ancestor ruled the Khazar empire at that time. If anybody still believes that the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" is a fake, wait until the plan above is fulfilled and they will wake up in an "Elders of Zion" world. Unless of course America, China or Russia can stop the raise of the new Khazar empire.
---A Word About Gold---
In case you bought gold to ensure your savings, be careful because the same freemason friend of mine told me gold is just another scam to liquidate middle class wealth. The gold price will raise for a while and when enough middle class people in the West have put enough money in it, you-know-who will crash its price in order to destroy the money trapped in it. My friend told me it could happen this year but anyway during the coming two or max. three years. I don`t know if this is true, but as I myself have bought some gold, I am prepared to react quickly."
>> henrymakow
εδώ henry
Ο Γιώργος όταν λέει να κάνουμε την κρίση ευκαιρία εννοεί αυτό μήπως;
Η συνθήκη της Λισαβώνας μήπως προϋποθέτει την κατάργηση των κρατών-εθνών και βήματα προς την επιβολή παγκοσμίου διακυβέρνησης και η κρίση είναι μια πρώτης τάξεως ευκαιρία για κάτι τέτοιο; Τον Γιώργο πάντως δεν θα τον πείραζε αν χάναμε πλήρως την εθνική μας κυριαρχία μιας και η σοσιαλιστική διεθνής στην διακήρυξη της τάσσεται υπέρ της παγκόσμιας διακυβέρνησης.
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